
San Francisco International Airport – Terminal 1
Everything from the bathroom counter supports to the structural support for the artwork frames, Olson Steel fabricated and installed most of the ornamental and miscellaneous metals for the San Francisco International Airport – Terminal 1.

San Francisco International Airport – Terminal 2
As part of SFO’s effort to accommodate the growth in passenger traffic and demand, they initiated a $383 million project to renovate Terminal 2. San Francisco International Airport – Terminal 2 -Miscellaneous iron, seismic upgrades and stairs (stairs, rails and renovation) strengthening existing columns, shear wall reinforcement ; This project was an extensive renovation project to […]

Transbay Transit Center
The Transbay Transit Center Project is a visionary transportation and housing project that transforms downtown San Francisco and the San Francisco Bay Area’s regional transportation system by creating a “Grand Central Station of the West” in the heart of a new transit-friendly neighborhood. The approximately $4.5 billion project replaced the former Transbay Terminal at First […]

West Dublin/Pleasanton BART
This West Dublin / Pleasanton Bay Area Rapid Transit station includes 1200 parking spaces, 210 housing units, office space, and a hotel. The station is located in the median of Interstate 580, between the Castro Valley and Dublin/Pleasanton stations. Olson Steel provided the structural steel package for the station including the pedestrian bridges that were erected […]

San Francisco Cruise Terminal
The San Francisco Cruise Ship Terminal construction was managed by Turner Construction. The city’s new $90 million cruise ship terminal was constructed in two phases, with Phase I preparing the facility for the America’s Cup and Phase II completing the construction of the site work for the opening of the new San Francisco Cruise Ship Terminal. […]

SFO Mel Leong Treatment Plant
Owned and operated by the city and county of San Francisco, the Mel Leong Treatment Plant is a facility that includes an Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant (IWTP) and a Sanitary Wastewater Treatment Plant (SWTP). In order to adhere to Title 22 regulations and address concerns regarding increased capacity for future demand, improvements were made to […]

SFO Air Train Extension
The San Francisco International Airport is extending the existing Blue Line AirTrain from the Rental Car Center to the new long term parking structure. In addition, two new AirTrain stations (one at Lot DD and one at the new on-Airport hotel) will be added. Olson Steel provided the structural steel at the Long-Term Parking Lot […]

Oakland Airport BART Connector
An Automated Guideway Transit (AGT) system was determined to be the preferred technology for the BART to OAK project. The AGT concept refers to an array of transit technologies that operate within their own guideways, have stations physically integrated with the Coliseum/Oakland Airport BART Station and the airport terminal, and do not require a vehicle […]

BART VTA Berryessa
Located between Berryessa and Mabury roads, adjacent to the San Jose Flea Market in north San Jose, the Berryessa Station is positioned near where Penitencia and Coyote creeks meet. The station promotes the area’s environment with architectural and landscaping features that evoke a notion of water flow, natural habitat, and San Jose’s agricultural past. Olson […]

BART VTA Milpitas
Located at the intersection of Montague Expressway and Capitol Avenue near the Great Mall in Milpitas, the station is the center of the city’s Transit Area Specific plan, and will be the BART system’s gateway to Silicon Valley, serving as a key local and regional connection for the high-tech, job-rich northwestern areas of Santa Clara […]

Oakland Airport T1
Oakland Airport renovation of T1-M102 is being handled by Turner Construction. Due to Olson Steel past and current experience with Oakland Airport, the Company was engaged to handle all structural steel enhancements, miscellaneous metals and complex steel casting requirements.

San Jose Airport
Olson Steel provided the structural steel for the expansion of the San Jose Airport. This difficult project with a demanding schedule proposed many challenges for Olson Steel. The design of this project required large box columns with 1 ½” cover plates, which required 33 feet of continuous weld on four sides. Due to the complexity […]